Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Hallmark World

      Sometimes I will write a poem or lyric and it will interest me for about 10 seconds and I will then just save it to the hard drive and forget about it. Oh, I might think to myself that I'll come back and revisit it when I get more time except I don't ever seem to have more time and the poor thing just sits in cyber purgatory for what could be forever. Other times I will plan on coming back and composing music for the poem and I will have every intention of doing so, but again the poem lies forgotten.
     Well, I found myself with a little time today and with the laptop staring at me. My intention was to go through and delete all unnecessary files and clean-up the hard drive. While doing this I came upon a poem that I wrote about sometime ago. I remember writing it, but I had forgotten what I had specifically written. So, I found myself reading the poem and in turn I found that I very much liked what I had written. I've copied it here to share with you and I hope that you will like it too. BTW - I do plan on composing music for this one.

Take care friends . . .
A Hallmark World
James R. Stout

I dreamed of a place where there was no hate.
A place where there was no sad or lonely fate.
A place filled with laughter and joy and love.
A place where a cat leaves unmolested the cooing dove.
I dreamed I could live in a Hallmark world.

I long for clear air and a pure water stream.
And everyone is a star on the hometown team.
And every child goes to sleep to their mother's song.
And every child's father loves them and does them no wrong.
I long to live in a Hallmark world.

I hope for a season of peace in each person's life,
where joy outweighs any sadness or strife.
I long to see real the dreams that I speak.
A place where the strong protect the weak.
I hope to live in a Hallmark world.

I want to be happy with simple pleasures and joys,
in a place where even the clumsy have poise.
I want to be loved and to love in return.
And to never again feel my heart burn.
I want to live in a Hallmark world.

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